Wednesday, December 30, 2009


This year I am not going to make a single resolution. This will alleviate the dilemma of trying to keep the thing. Should I try to loose weight? Yes. Should I be more organized? Yes. Should I be more fiscally responsible? Yes. I have an abundance of things I can work on in life. At this point I don't want to set myself up for failure. Maybe in a week or so I will choose something in my life that I can take control of. We shall see, not making any promises.

Friday, December 18, 2009


When I started to blog a few years ago I determined that I wanted to post in complete anonymity, if possible. As I pondered upon what name to use for my husband I drew a blank. Rabid was already using Spouse which, in my opinion, was and is the best name. Out of sheer laziness I chose to call him "dear hubby". Never loved it. Due to recent events I have taken time to think of a better name. From this point forward dear hubby will be known as Delmar. For those of you who know us personally you will find this to be more humorous than those of you who don't.

My favorite part is: the rough translation of Delmar from Spanish means "of the sea". When he is in water--any form--he's truly in his element. This photo is of him putting on a show for tourists doing back-flips off the rock in Cabo. He will do a back-flip off almost anything including cliffs while skiing. He used to frighten me with his shenanigans. I have since learned he is what he is and I can't and won't change him. He is an amazing husband and father. I couldn't ask for anything more, well...

Now I just need to develop a pseudonym for my son. When I was pregnant Rabid and I called him the wart. I can't use that anymore, he is too cute. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Sorry we left you "behind" on our trip to Cabo San Lucas.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Reason 8,263

Here is reason 8,263 why I will never buy another Volkswagen -- Sweet German Engineering!

The battery in my Touareg died. No big deal you say. WRONG. My dear hubby (who is quite the car repairman) spent half an hour trying to find the battery. The battery is not where one would think. It is under the driver's seat. After reading through much of the manual he found that there is a post under the hood to use for a jump start, though Volkswagen doesn't recommend jump starting or charging your battery. Wait, there is more. Not only is the battery in a most ridiculous place. We haven't been able to find one for under $300. That is if the hubby replaces it himself. The entire driver's seat must be removed.

Enough, I want a different car. I am tired of spending $100 on oil changes, $50 on wiper blade replacements, $1500 on drive train repairs, etc. The worst part is I have actually loved the car. It drives awesome in all conditions, turns better than any compact I have ever driven, and is the perfect height for placing a child in a carseat. I just don't want anymore surprise expenses.

Take my advice (unless you are one of the elite who don't mind costly repairs) never buy a Volkswagen.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I Need A Rainbow

I could use a little rainbow in my house. Why? Because I am tired of the flood. Two days ago I went downstairs to begin washing all the clothes from the vacation. Low and Behold there was my washer and dryer sitting in a giant puddle. Hubby is at work so this leaves me to deal with it. So what do I do? Call dad. My dad did his best to patch up the problem the fact still remains we are going to have to buy a new garbage disposal. This is not what I want to do at Christmas time. I want to buy fun things. So for now I will keep an eye on the bucket catching the drip and dream of a magic rainbow to promise me no more floods.

Friday, November 27, 2009

You Know You're Too Competitive When...

You know you are too competitive when...

-You are never willing to let a child win at anything.
-The only reason you want your mother-in-law's recipes is to be better at them than she is.
-You can't attend a house of worship without competing during religious ceremonies.
-You Hiss at your dear friend's mother during a "friendly" card game.
-Your husband refuses to play games with you because you threw the pieces at him after losing.
-You won't run anymore because you can never be at the level you were in college.

-You go to an adoption meeting and start determining which couples you are sure you can beat and which will be tough competitors.

This list could go on and on. I am beginning to realize I need help.

Monday, November 16, 2009


I nearly lost all hope for living on Saturday night... Ok, it wasn't that bad the events were quite frightening all the same. Our little family returned from an outing Saturday evening to find a moving truck parking across the street. I said to my hubby, "I wonder what is going on?" Shortly after panic struck the "Can I Borrow's" minivan pulled up behind the truck. My husband instantly said, "We are moving!" (moving wouldn't be a bad thing if it were moving closer to Rabid) I just sat there in shock not knowing what to say. For those of you who might be new to this little story you must read the previous "Can I Borrow" posts.

I know, I know I should figure out how to do the click here thingy I am just lucky to find the time to post right now.

Anyhow, all Saturday night I was filled with dread. Sunday after church I bumped (well let's admit it--I sought them out) into the parents of the "Can I Borrow" family. I asked them, "So, are you moving? he, he, he (that is me trying to play it cool). They respond with no we were moving "you know who's" into an apartment. Whew! I almost ran from the church with glee.

Friday, November 13, 2009


I read a friend's blog the other day (technically she is not my friend yet--she is a friend of my dearest friend thus, by default she may be stuck with me). The post was a purge post. She vented about photos by railroad tracks to show this year's hairdo. I laughed pretty hard and then realized that rabid took my photo by railroad tracks. Crap! I have joined the masses. Now I have an added problem, I changed my hairdo. The Christmas card I ordered in all my organization is ruined. This is quite the conundrum.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Recipe Shock

My husband and I love the sitcom "Everyone Loves Raymond". I think we enjoy it because there are so many similarities to our own families. Often the episodes involve Ray's mother and wife in battles over cooking. One episode in particular (if I weren't so lazy I would find the clip for you) Ray's mother gives his wife a botched recipe. The hubby and I laughed 'til we cried. The reason we find this so funny is that I experience the recipe drama with my mother-in-law. Maybe it is just a coincidence, but she mysteriously looses recipes when I ask her for them--even if we are eating the food right then the recipe is magically gone. Or better yet a few weeks after I ask for it she will make the item. It is classic.

Now on with the point. A few months ago I was sorting through some stuff and found a Ziploc with typed recipes that my husband was given before leaving on his mission. In this bag I found several of the recipes I had been asking for (which by the way are the hubby's favorites--hence the reason for asking). I laughed an evil, demonic laugh and began to cook them up. I had forgotten this until Sunday. While eating dinner with the in-laws the mother - for some reason I cannot remember - mentioned that she had typed favorite recipes for her kids when they left on their missions. I then said "I know I just found 'hubby's', and have been cooking for him". She sat there in stunned silence and you could just see the shock in her face. She didn't know what to say and tried to change the subject. I thought to myself "Bwahh, ha, ha, ha you can't keep them from me forever." It was great!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Sneeze Pee

I have developed a serious condition since bringing my one and only child into the world: I can't hold my pee in dire circumstances. It is really bad if I sneeze. Today I had a major incident.

Before I continue there is a bit of information you need to know. The particular toilet cleanser I use requires that it sit in the bowl for at least 10 minutes. I also must clean the bathroom only during precious nap time. If you have read the previous post you know that my son thinks that he needs to be involved with anything regarding the toilet. You will understand the value of the information shortly.

The problem began about 30 minutes into nap time. I had started the process of cleaning the bathroom and needed to finish quickly, due to the fact that my son isn't the best napper. I went to the kitchen to fetch Softscrub for the tub and sink. When, suddenly, a sneeze hit. As per normal procedure I ran to the toilet to quickly relieve myself before an accident ensues. The accidents are never major, but who likes urine on themselves. (don't answer I really don't want to know) As I open the toilet I realized that there was cleanser soaking and it had been there for about 8 min. I don't have time to start over. So, I let the only thing I could do happen. Yes, I wet myself. Not the kind that leaves a puddle, but wet nonetheless. I quickly cleaned up, changed the pants, and under garments. Finished the toilet with only minutes to spare. It was a rough one.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Past Time

You know it is past the time when you should have stopped letting your child see you go to the bathroom when your 18 month old son grabs a tampon (yes in it's wrapper) and pretends to insert. I am not even at that time of the month so if you know me it was a good 45 days ago when he last saw this. The only problem is when I use the bathroom with the door shut he screams the entire time, as if I have left him out of something very important.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


To all of my beloved readers, ok all two of you. I am back posting to the blog again. I would like to blame it on the recent crash of the old computer. (And rabid I mean crash not log-in again) But, alas, I hadn't posted for a month before that event. I do hope now that I have a laptop again my freedom to blog will increase. I am not sure though, the little "maniac" has noticed something new and will climb on anything to try and get it. Oh well, for now I am just happy to be back online. :D

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Can I Borrow's Return

I have discovered some troubling news. The "Can I Borrows" might be returning to the neighborhood. (gasp!) Apparently they can no longer afford the home they purchased and are planning on doing a short sale. The male 'Can I Borrow' can't keep a job and the female works 3 10 hour shifts close to where we live. This means they might be moving back in with the parents. I think that if this happens I will move, and rent somewhere else if I have to. Yes, it is that bad.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So Much to Do...

Do you ever find that the more you "have to do" the less you accomplish. I have found that I have so many things I need to get done that I don't do any of it and waste time instead! There is no excuse, I am just lazy right now. Any advice?

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I have a reoccurring theme in my life, Stranded. I am frequently the stay-at-home mom with NO CAR. At least this time my dear hubby didn't do it to me on purpose. Yes, he leaves me without a car on purpose. He has a constant need to buy and sell cars. If we end up with only one car I am the stay-at-home who has no need for a car. I don't need to go to the store, bank, or take a little outing to keep from going crazy, I am a stay-at-home. This time the drive line on my car went out (a story too long and filled with emotion to share right now). It will be expensive to fix--does that mean we just leave it sitting at the shop hoping the money will magically appear? Or wait for someone who has the desire to rebuild the part in their spare time, even if it takes 3 weeks? I guess so, I am a stay-at-home with nothing important to do. Aaaaggghhhh! Just needed to vent!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Can I Borrow Part...?

I have lost count as to what part this "Can I Borrow Story" is and I am too lazy to go back and count. If any of my 2 readers feel they have time they can do this for me.

So, two weeks ago we were in the backyard with my parents assembling the Little Tikes play gym my sister-in-law handed down for the Menace. The dear hubby had left to put the jog stroller back in the basement and had been gone for an extraordinarily long time. When he returned he had a frustrated look on his face. I asked him about it and he said, "guess what the Male Can I Borrow asked me?" "Oh Great", I thought. He then proceeded to tell me that the Can I Borrow's asked to borrow the baby hiking backpack. If you will notice in a previous "Can I Borrow" post they borrowed this before we had ever had a chance to use it, as we had had a difficult time conceiving a child. My hubby tells me that he put the blame on me saying that I wouldn't let anyone borrow it as we use it frequently with the Menace. "Phew" I thought I don't mind being the bad guy. I might let it out if I it had been someone else, but we have a rule not to lend things out we aren't willing to give away or we will only lend to those we know will replace. The Can I Borrow's don't fit into either category.

Is this the end of the tale, NO! Several days later I was outside with the Menace playing. When we ran into not one but both of the Can I Borrow's (mind you they no longer live in our neighborhood they were just dropping children off). I was making polite conversation when the male bursts out (in a suspiciously joking tone) "You really hurt our feelings by not letting us take your pack". WOW!! The nerve of some people. I replied "Well, I don't want to have to scrub it before using it every time". The female then says "Well, we didn't get it dirty last time did we?" I being very annoyed by this time just said, "Call me obsessive I will scrub it if anyone else uses it before putting my kid in!" I then picked up my Menace and returned home. Oooohhhh! I wish I was better at making snide comments. Oh Well, maybe they will start to gather that I am fed up with them. Probably not--their kind never care.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Too Cute

I know my last post was about Rabid and family, but since she and those who know her are the only few who read my blog it doesn't matter. Anyhow--Rabid, Yahoo#2, Myself and my little Menace went for a picnic. On the drive there Yahoo #2 spurts out, look "Menace" and I are holding hands. I looked back to see their hands clasped and stretched out between the two car seats. Then Yahoo#2 proceeded to make funny noises so the Menace would giggle. It was one of those special moments you would like to freeze in time. Thanks Rabid and Yahoo#2 you made my week!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I was just glancing through Rabid's blog and noticed a great family ski photo. It reminded me of my ski adventure with them a few weeks ago. I was pathetic, horrible, no good, very bad that day. Not that I am ever excellent but as of April 20, 2007 (the last time I had skied due to the baby) I was beginning to get the hang of it.

A single event on our adventure will sum it up. As Rabid's Spouse, Yah00 #2, and I descended down a blue run I started to panic. I reverted back to the old snow plow days. As Yahoo #2 began down the longest "steep" part he yells back to me "ya just have to make big turns". He made it look so easy. Once again I panicked I skipped that part and stayed on the cat track. I found them waiting patiently for me at the bottom. Mind you I have 28 years on the yahoo. It was very humiliating.

Thanks rabidowski and family for putting up with me!

This is what I felt like.

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Good Read

Recently the hubby and I have had a little tension in our relationship(yes, I am willing to admit it-- hiding it does no good). I tried to blame it all on him for working long hours and leaving me at home with the 10 month old. Of course it couldn't be my fault in any part! (*gasp*) Then I thought a bit more about it and realized he was working long hours because I want to be at home with the baby. Anyway, I was chatting with a friend and she recommended the book The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura Schlessinger The title is a little weird I know. I love the book. It has given me a lot to think about and some new insights I wouldn't have thought of on my own. For example she states that men are simple creatures they basically want: to be fed, have sex, provide for their family, know their wife is happy. Dr. Laura's philosophy is that if you "feed your husband properly" you will receive caring back ten fold.
There are so many ideas in the book. One I want to share is concerning the fact that we say our husband is not a good listener. I know I have repeatedly said this. She quotes a listener to her program:

I also believe that we as women talk too much in our conversations with our husbands. We say they never listen to us, but let's face it, we usually put in way too many details to keep them interested! (that is me for sure)
I mean, really, would you want to listen if they were telling you every detailed play that took place in a football game they'd seen? (OK so I might, but you get the point) I certainly would be bored silly if my husband did that. He can tell me if his favorite team won and he can even tell me a great play that was in the game, but any more than that, I would for sure start to zone out.
If we cut down on the details and ask them more questions about their day (without pressure for answers, though), conversations would become more two-sided and more pleasant.
This may not fit everyone. It sure fits me to a T. It is not the only problem my hubby and I face, but it is one area I know I can improve on. So, if you are not too proud to admit you may be part of the relationship problem--check this book out. You will be amazed how quickly a little bit of effort will help out. Things are already going much better for us.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Recently a friend commented that I needed to get a life due to my spouting useless knowledge during a party. I have since sent him a trivia fact daily to his email. I have decided to share some of these with everyone. Here are a few from this week:

Did you know?
The Pope has been known to wear red "Prada" shoes.
It brings a whole new meaning to "The Devil Wears Prada", don't you think!

Did you know?
The name Vanilla comes from the Spanish word "vainilla", diminutive form of "vaina" (meaning "sheath"), which is in turn derived from Latin "vagina".
Changes the way you look at the ol' plain ice cream, huh!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Thought of the Week

We have had a hole in our hall, from the vacated swamp cooler, for 4 years! My husband covered it with a white board upon removing the swamp cooler and it has been there ever since. So, I have decided to post the "Thought of the Week". I feel like Michelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel. Here is this week's thought:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Chapstril or Nostick

Two weeks ago (yes, it takes me that long to post) we were leaving in the late afternoon to visit family. I decided to close the curtains since it would be dark upon our return. While completing the task I noticed that my lips felt rather chapped. I thought to myself, "I will need to put some chapstick on before leaving". As I closed the bedroom curtains (they are on the hubby's side) I noticed my the hubby had two chapstick containers on his nightstand. Thinking I would save time by not going around to my side I used his. As I was using it I noted that it was very narrow and almost cone shaped. I thought I would need to ask him how he managed that and left.

While eating dinner with family, the discussion turned to the frost bitten nose damage that my hubby suffers from due to very cold ski days. He then proceeded to explain that the tip of his nostril area is very chapped and he has to coat it with chapstick. The sudden realization as to why his chapstick is cone shaped hit me and I sprayed soup across the table. It wasn't that I hadn't seen him do this, I just wasn't thinking as I used it. We laughed about the event on and off for the rest of the night. In fact whenever he uses the stick we both burst into peals of laughter.