Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Thought I may take a stab at this blogging thing again.  Maybe it will help with this looming "Blah!" hanging over my head.  You may say it is the storm 12+ inches and still coming down.  Possibly, I used to love snow it meant fun, snowshoeing, skiing, sledding etc.  Now I have an 18 month old.  I haven't skied in almost 3 years.  I even have a brand new ski outfit I  purchased when I didn't know I was pregnant with her.  Hopefully it won't go out of style before it is worn.  Snowshoeing, hardly, that takes time and my sweet husband is never around(January is the worst month for a self-employed, divorce/bankruptcy attorney).  I just feel plain old blah.  I don't want to put the effort into projects for the preschooler and toddler to do so, T.V. it is.  

Now to make matters worse I just received notice that my 20 year high school reunion is this summer.  Really?!  20 years?  Great, now I feel blah and old.  I know, I know, this too shall pass.  It the words of Annie "The sun'll come out tomorrow... "  Or will it?  This is winter in Utah.