Thursday, December 10, 2009

I Need A Rainbow

I could use a little rainbow in my house. Why? Because I am tired of the flood. Two days ago I went downstairs to begin washing all the clothes from the vacation. Low and Behold there was my washer and dryer sitting in a giant puddle. Hubby is at work so this leaves me to deal with it. So what do I do? Call dad. My dad did his best to patch up the problem the fact still remains we are going to have to buy a new garbage disposal. This is not what I want to do at Christmas time. I want to buy fun things. So for now I will keep an eye on the bucket catching the drip and dream of a magic rainbow to promise me no more floods.


Megan said...

What a monumental drag. I shall cease my own circumstantial bitching for at least 15 minutes in honor of your wretched sitchewayshun. If I had a rainbow, I'd lend it to you for a spell.

Megan said...

Oh, and it is spectacular being able to see the date on which you published this puppy. Truly spectacular.

Winder said...

Things just keep getting better here. I got myself and child loaded in the car (in subfreezing temps.) and SURPRISE the car won't start.

Take me back to Cabo San Lucas.

Rabid said...

I'm so very sorry. This is where I give you my favorite Donny Osmond quote. Ready?

"May tomorrow be a brighter day."

Bought a dumb phone today (not a cool phone a dumb phone for the house.) Totally get your want to spend money on fun things thing.

And isn't Megan funny with her spelling of sitchewayshun. Funny.

Megan said...

Me again. And don't take the following the wrong way . . .

I do blog design from time to time and I like doing gift projects from time to time. I like you so I want to offer you a gift project. Want a banner (and a Skinny if you want it)? I'll make you one for free. If you don't want it, I swear to you I don't care; everyone's taste is different.

Lemme know.

The MacMizzles said...

Bummer. I will make you a rainbow bucket. Don't you just want to be a kid watching smerfs on days like today?