Friday, November 27, 2009

You Know You're Too Competitive When...

You know you are too competitive when...

-You are never willing to let a child win at anything.
-The only reason you want your mother-in-law's recipes is to be better at them than she is.
-You can't attend a house of worship without competing during religious ceremonies.
-You Hiss at your dear friend's mother during a "friendly" card game.
-Your husband refuses to play games with you because you threw the pieces at him after losing.
-You won't run anymore because you can never be at the level you were in college.

-You go to an adoption meeting and start determining which couples you are sure you can beat and which will be tough competitors.

This list could go on and on. I am beginning to realize I need help.


rabidrunner said...

You don't need help! See here's the deal with competition. Most people compete in order to be better think they're better than everyone else. You already know you're better than everyone else, therefore you do it to be the best.

That didn't make sense and was supposed to be funny. Oh well. How is, that I don't feel that you compete with me? Or maybe I'm just letting your win all the time? And therefore winning? Hmmm.

rabidrunner said...

Errors galore. I'm too busy to copy it, delete and retype.

rabidrunner said...

Too tired, not busy. Wow. I should sleep.

Winder said...

I am not sure why I don't compete with you. Maybe it is because you never put off the I am competing with you vibe. Or maybe because you are just amazing already. :)