Friday, November 27, 2009

You Know You're Too Competitive When...

You know you are too competitive when...

-You are never willing to let a child win at anything.
-The only reason you want your mother-in-law's recipes is to be better at them than she is.
-You can't attend a house of worship without competing during religious ceremonies.
-You Hiss at your dear friend's mother during a "friendly" card game.
-Your husband refuses to play games with you because you threw the pieces at him after losing.
-You won't run anymore because you can never be at the level you were in college.

-You go to an adoption meeting and start determining which couples you are sure you can beat and which will be tough competitors.

This list could go on and on. I am beginning to realize I need help.

Monday, November 16, 2009


I nearly lost all hope for living on Saturday night... Ok, it wasn't that bad the events were quite frightening all the same. Our little family returned from an outing Saturday evening to find a moving truck parking across the street. I said to my hubby, "I wonder what is going on?" Shortly after panic struck the "Can I Borrow's" minivan pulled up behind the truck. My husband instantly said, "We are moving!" (moving wouldn't be a bad thing if it were moving closer to Rabid) I just sat there in shock not knowing what to say. For those of you who might be new to this little story you must read the previous "Can I Borrow" posts.

I know, I know I should figure out how to do the click here thingy I am just lucky to find the time to post right now.

Anyhow, all Saturday night I was filled with dread. Sunday after church I bumped (well let's admit it--I sought them out) into the parents of the "Can I Borrow" family. I asked them, "So, are you moving? he, he, he (that is me trying to play it cool). They respond with no we were moving "you know who's" into an apartment. Whew! I almost ran from the church with glee.

Friday, November 13, 2009


I read a friend's blog the other day (technically she is not my friend yet--she is a friend of my dearest friend thus, by default she may be stuck with me). The post was a purge post. She vented about photos by railroad tracks to show this year's hairdo. I laughed pretty hard and then realized that rabid took my photo by railroad tracks. Crap! I have joined the masses. Now I have an added problem, I changed my hairdo. The Christmas card I ordered in all my organization is ruined. This is quite the conundrum.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Recipe Shock

My husband and I love the sitcom "Everyone Loves Raymond". I think we enjoy it because there are so many similarities to our own families. Often the episodes involve Ray's mother and wife in battles over cooking. One episode in particular (if I weren't so lazy I would find the clip for you) Ray's mother gives his wife a botched recipe. The hubby and I laughed 'til we cried. The reason we find this so funny is that I experience the recipe drama with my mother-in-law. Maybe it is just a coincidence, but she mysteriously looses recipes when I ask her for them--even if we are eating the food right then the recipe is magically gone. Or better yet a few weeks after I ask for it she will make the item. It is classic.

Now on with the point. A few months ago I was sorting through some stuff and found a Ziploc with typed recipes that my husband was given before leaving on his mission. In this bag I found several of the recipes I had been asking for (which by the way are the hubby's favorites--hence the reason for asking). I laughed an evil, demonic laugh and began to cook them up. I had forgotten this until Sunday. While eating dinner with the in-laws the mother - for some reason I cannot remember - mentioned that she had typed favorite recipes for her kids when they left on their missions. I then said "I know I just found 'hubby's', and have been cooking for him". She sat there in stunned silence and you could just see the shock in her face. She didn't know what to say and tried to change the subject. I thought to myself "Bwahh, ha, ha, ha you can't keep them from me forever." It was great!