Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Can I Borrow?--Part 2

So, if you haven't read part 1 of this little saga you must refer to Can I Borrow? Found in July. You can't truly appreciate this event without the background,

So, the male and female from part 1 of this saga moved to a new residence about 30 miles away. You might think that would end the drama. Oh, No! Before their departure they were aware that my dear hubby had recently opened a small used car dealership. Of course, they wanted him to pick them up a minivan from the auction for a price that would never be possible. But, business is business and my husband was "forced" to tell them that what they were looking for would never come through at that low of a price. Hello, this is an auction not a miracle shop! Anyway, they ended up purchasing another neighbors older, used minivan. The hubby and I didn't want to know any of the details we avoid all situations with them when possible. Note: this purchase was made the first of September.

Yesterday I come home from work to find my hubby listening to a voicemail with a smirk on his face. Upon finishing the message. He tells me that the former male neighbor called to ask for the hubbies help. The male's message stated that the previous owners of the minivan want their plates removed from the van and returned. Yes, you guessed it they haven't registered it. The male wanted my hubby to work more magic and help him get the licensing and a temporary tag for a "better price". Which knowing this couple they would be most happy if somehow the magic included them paying no taxes or registration fees or better yet if someone else paid it for them. (The best part is they are always needing favors because they're broke, but they pay $800 a month to send their 1st grader to private school.) I saw true joy in the face of my dear one when he said, "I am 'forced' to tell him there are two things in life you can't avoid Death and Taxes. Sorry, can't help you."


The MacMizzles said...

Wow, just when you think someone cannot be tackier, they pull the "lets trick" the taxes bureau. Maybe you should send them an itemized list of where money from vehicle taxes go...maybe then they will appreciate the roads they drive on to take their first grader to private school. Maybe also, you could ask them if you can borrow that minivan after you have your baby.

Winder said...

That would be good. Another note is that they have moved to an area to the west of the Utah Lake. They daily drive their child to school more than 30 miles away! Yet they want a deal on taxes that pay for those roads. Huh!

rabidrunner said...

Do you have a Botox hook-up too? I could really use some Botox for cheap. Well, actually, for free.
I could hook you up with some baby boy clothes that have been used four times.