Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Sneeze Pee

I have developed a serious condition since bringing my one and only child into the world: I can't hold my pee in dire circumstances. It is really bad if I sneeze. Today I had a major incident.

Before I continue there is a bit of information you need to know. The particular toilet cleanser I use requires that it sit in the bowl for at least 10 minutes. I also must clean the bathroom only during precious nap time. If you have read the previous post you know that my son thinks that he needs to be involved with anything regarding the toilet. You will understand the value of the information shortly.

The problem began about 30 minutes into nap time. I had started the process of cleaning the bathroom and needed to finish quickly, due to the fact that my son isn't the best napper. I went to the kitchen to fetch Softscrub for the tub and sink. When, suddenly, a sneeze hit. As per normal procedure I ran to the toilet to quickly relieve myself before an accident ensues. The accidents are never major, but who likes urine on themselves. (don't answer I really don't want to know) As I open the toilet I realized that there was cleanser soaking and it had been there for about 8 min. I don't have time to start over. So, I let the only thing I could do happen. Yes, I wet myself. Not the kind that leaves a puddle, but wet nonetheless. I quickly cleaned up, changed the pants, and under garments. Finished the toilet with only minutes to spare. It was a rough one.


rabidrunner said...

Wow. Do you think the recommended 10 minutes was for those at sea level? Maybe, quite possibly, those of us at altitude only need 8 minutes. You could have had both a clean toilet and pants. All at once!

The MacMizzles said...

Ah children...

Megan said...

The label for this post is genius.


Careful what you wish for:

Note: feel not obligated to actually purchase--personally, I believe that Zazzle's prices are a little high, but the shirts are there if you actually want them. I'll leave 'em in the shop for a couple weeks.

L said...

I blog hopped via Rabid's recipe post and boy am I glad I did.

In case it happens again why not just pee in the shower or sink? Just a thought, since they will eventually need cleansing as well. Unless you clean them all during that ten minute time frame...

Winder said...

Lars, good idea. I will try to remember this in the future.