Monday, March 29, 2010


I almost fainted last night. Something I never thought could happen, happened. Delmar took out the trash. He took it out without me asking, hinting, nagging, begging, pleading, tantrum-ing etc. I don't know what caused this sudden initiative on his part. I really should have rewarded him somehow. He probably was trying to get "The Sex" and I was just too shell shocked to take action. Or maybe he felt really bad for me after this Vomitphobe caught puke with her bare hands just to save the recently cleaned carpet. Either way I shall make it up to him tonight.


L said...

You must really like clean carpet. Hope your kiddo is feeling better and you are not too traumatized by catching the vomit.

Jessica said...

I never wanted to be a nagging wife, and then I realized that I am totally a nagging wife. And yet, it feels so nice to have the husband do something without the nagging. It's like special treat.

mreay said...

Ha ha ha ha!!! Wow! I think I would have fainted myself! It's very rare around here that hubby does something (house-cleaning related) without prodding. But maybe this is why I love you so...because our hubby's are oh so the same. And we can exchange the "husbandisms." I apprecitate this post more than you know. We're saving ourselves lots of therapist bills HEHE!

-flip I CANT post anon!!

mreay said...

I can spell appreciate!! Darn spell checker...I've come to rely on you so!!