Wednesday, April 07, 2010


I have had it with the "Something for Nothing" type personality. Why is it that there are so many people who think that the world owes them? I swear I am surrounded by people who are "entitled" to every good thing possible. How about working for something. Or just plain working. Better yet when you are given a gift show some gratitude. If you are given something small don't expect that in return you deserve something bigger. Be grateful you got anything at all.


Megan said...

I'd pay actual money to hear about the straw the broke the camel's back.

Jessica said...

Sparks beat me to it. I was gonna say: rough day?

And, if we're throwing money at you, I'm in.

I hope tomorrow is better...

(my word verification is disco)

L said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
L said...

I got overly excited at your comment on my blog and ran over here to comment before reading your latest entry.

We should form a club. Regarding those that feel they are entitled to everything yet accountable for nothing.

Winder said...

Oh, I don't know if you all have time in the day to hear. You gotta love family.

Rabid said...

You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose. But you can't pick your family or your friend's nose.

Winder said...

Rabid I bet if I asked you would let me pick your nose. He, he, he.

Aubrey said...

The "entitled" that surround you give you permission to write such a blog entry...:)