Monday, March 15, 2010

It Happened

If you follow this blog you know that I am vomit-phobic. I fear vomit more than anything. When teaching I told my class,"If you feel sick do not come and tell me. I give you permission this once to run in the hall to the bathroom".

Now I have a child of my own who doesn't understand "run to the bathroom", he is still 1 for a few more days. Last night he wasn't sleeping, kept crying, and was very restless. I tried to soothe him nothing worked. Finally at about 4 a.m. he drifted to sleep. At 5:30 a.m. Delmar heard him coughing the he started to cry. I went to soothe him again and reached into the crib to tickle his back. I felt moisture, who knows why, I sniffed my hand. VOMIT! I nearly panicked and called for Delmar. The poor little guy puked every 20 min. for the next couple of hours. Every time it happened he would give us this "what is going on" look. He cried and cried. I felt bad. Not bad enough to cuddle him. I was getting nauseous myself. I made Delmar late for work so he could help with the mess. Not a good day.


Rabid said...

That boy should get a puke bowl for his second birthday. I might take it under my wing to facilitate that one.

L said...

Winder, you survived! Hope the little tyke feels better soon. Little Sponges puking is never fun and is slightly scary considering you can't do much for 'em. Hope you all have a puke free day tomorrow and tonight!