Sunday, March 14, 2010

Facts are Facts

Some people don't like some people. Just how it works.

I am the type of person that doesn't/can't hide how I feel. My face shows it all. I am trying to deal with annoying people better than I did in my youth. I am trying to handle difficult people without blowing my cool. In my younger years this was a problem. That being said, if I avoid you or won't engage in conversation with you leave me be. I don't want to talk to you. Don't try to say I'm being mean to you. Being mean would be saying all the things that cross my mind when you lie, make false accusations, act like an idiot, etc., etc., etc. Being mean would be doing to you the spiteful things you do others. No, I don't want to hang out with you. It is what it is. I am who I am. I am not perfect. I would rather be not perfect than phony.


Rabid said...

This is about me, isn't it. Is that why you only called me twice today? Instead of the usual twelve? Are you mad at me? Why don't you like me? You're so mean.

Um. I don't know that people know what you're capable of. Just sayin'. 'Cause you most definitely scare the hell out of me!

Jessica said...

I like you. This post brought a smile to my face. More people (especially women) should be like this!

Winder said...

Yup you guessed it. :) If people only knew how mean I am.

L said...

Winder...I think you and I would be great chums. Except I often let slip the things that cross my mind so I guess that makes me mean....

Aubrey said...

Oh man. Don't you love how you give someone a Christmas present and for fifteen years they complain about how mean you are? I hate it.

Actually, I think I am on the "Like" list, cause I have never seen this side of you.