Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Unlikely Friend

I am related, our husbands are brothers so not blood related, to a fantastic lady. Oohh, Lady makes her sound old. She is definitely not old. For the sake of her privacy we shall call her "Missy, the Coal Miner's Daughter". Missy and I have recently developed a deep friendship. What is the big deal about a good relationship with a sister-in-law. Let me tell you. On paper we are the most unlikely friends imaginable. Here is why:

Missy is a former cheerleader--I have always disliked cheerleaders
Missy is a pageant queen--I am what you might call a jock
Missy has a beautiful voice--I was cut from the 5th/6th grade choir
Missy always has perfect hair--My hair is never perfect, it is usually clean
Missy loves Celine Dion--I absolutely don't
The list can go on and on.

When we married the brothers, two months apart, I was worried. I knew Delmar and Von loved doing stuff together and I "knew" Missy and I never could. So much for what I "knew". Missy is sweet, loving and totally fun to be with. She is the type of person who will go the extra mile when helping you. She is smart, funny and completely loyal. Missy is a great listener and I love our "therapy sessions". When the family drama hits (and it hits often) I would be lost without her. So the old adage is true, you can't judge a book by it's cover.

Love you Missy.

Rabid is still correct, you can judge a person by the books they read.


Jessica said...

"Missy loves Celine Dion--I absolutely don't

The list can go on and on."


I generally hate to be proven wrong, but when it comes to stuff like this it's kinda nice. (that's not to say that I'm never proven wrong. Quite the contrary.)

Megan said...

Inlaws suck. I really like one of the gals married to Mark's brother, but relations with his family are prohibitively awful. Buncha sons of a bitch overall.

I read People, Teen Cosmo, Danielle Steele, and Twilight every other weekend. Of course.

And I actually was a cheerleader.

And I've actually been to the Celine Dion concert in Vegas.

Megan said...

I made it sound like Mark's bro is a polygamist. Not the case. He's married the same woman twice.

Anonymous said...

Wow...I am deeply honored. I think the pleasure of our ever growing friendship is all mine. I believe that in the trials in life we are sent "tender mercies" to help us make it through and you certainly are that for me. I tell the peeps constantly "Thank goodness for Winder or I just might lose my mind!" Oh my blessed Winder!!!

I do sound like a &%$# prissy on paper don't I? I didn't know you had such strong feelings for the cheerleaders. We've got to get you over the choir experience, I about cried when you told me about that one. For what it's worth I think your hair is darling. AND I'm gonna get you to Celine one of these days. She's coming back to Vegas ya know. I think it's time, Winder...pack your bags! And remember what happens in Vegas will stay there :D

ps. Sparks...I like your style!

L said...

Winder your list made me chuckle....mostly because I relate in so many ways.

And Sparks, you were a cheerleader? What the what?!

Megan said...

What? I couldn't have been a cheereleader?

Well I was.

We all have a past, you know. . .

Aubrey said...

That is so funny, I have the same sister in law...I would be lost without her also. I am really so happy for you that you have a great friendship in a family member