Monday, October 01, 2007

Something New

I just noticed in a comment from Rabid a request to write something new. I don't know if it is the pregnancy hormones or what, but I haven't been thinking very clear lately. I have been waiting for something profound to come to mind. This obviously hasn't happened. So I will just write about something that is not profound. Those of you who have been through this might be able to relate.

I have become a crybaby lately. Not just crying a little, giant sobbing fits have erupted from the inner depths of my soul. Here is an example: My dear hubby planned to go on a camping/four wheeling trip with his brothers. He rarely goes on trips "with the boys" and loves camping. Because of circumstances beyond our control he hadn't been camping at all this summer. I am usually fine with him taking an occasional adventure. So, Friday comes and he prepares to leave. As he begins to depart disaster strikes. The inner depths of my soul burst. My poor husband tries to remedy the problem to no avail. To make matters worse I am actually totally embarrassed by how I am behaving. The embarrassed feelings seem to add to the tears. I finally convince the hubby to leave so I can end the trauma. Then wouldn't you know while my eyes are still red and swollen the neighbor comes by to drop something off. I can't avoid answering the door. I am sitting on the couch and my front room is like a giant fish bowl for all to see where I am. The poor neighbor looks at me like I am a battered woman. Thank goodness she has had several children and all I have to say is "hormones "and she understands.

I can look back on this now and laugh. Even while I laugh I live in a bit of fear. I don't know when the next fit will strike. There doesn't have to be a traumatic event to start the water works. Last week I shed more than a few tears while watching "The Biggest Loser". Oh well, what do you do?


The MacMizzles said...

Oh nuts!!!! The things that no one ever tells you about being pregnant because being pregnant is a blessing so you can't complain right? I threw up 71 days straight,...and I wasn't allowed to complain. I don't know what was worse having to accept that I am human and may not enjoy morning sickness, and may have to laugh and clean up my bathroom a million times. OR Lying to everyone about how great you feel, because as we all know everything is a competition. It never makes sense what you feel, but boy is what you are going through so real!!!! I feel for you, I really do. Just know that you are among a lot of us...that will be honest that is. You deserve to tell exactly what your experience is. Bless you, I know it is so hard...hang in there, and take lots of baths and get a massage. :)

The MacMizzles said...

Oops! I just read my comment, I am sorry winder, I hope you feel more like yourself soon. I hope you get some down time. I think teaching full time would make me cry weekly.

rabidrunner said...

Ahhh... you big boob. Knock it off! (Like I should talk... hehehehe).

Just wait until you have to spend AN ENTIRE DAY ALONE with your new baby. You might as well get you a tank to conserve all of your eruptions just in case there's a drought.

Yours Truly and Forever,

rabidrunner said...

p.s. Thanks for posting! It gave me goose bumps of excitement.

rabidrunner said...

Must I? Must I? Must I beg and plead for something new EVERY time you write something new? We're waiting. Not so patiently however.

rabidrunner said...

Still waiting...

rabidrunner said...

and waiting...


You know, I just thought of something. I have found that I can laugh afterwards, but never right in the middle of life's anxiety's. I can always laugh after, does that mean I don't have a sense of humor if I have to wait in hind-sight to think it's funny?