Monday, October 15, 2007

Aaaaahhh Halloween!

I just love Autumn. But, I love Halloween even more! I know many think that it is an evil pagan holiday. I don't agree. I think it has become a month of a lot of fun, candy, parties, and money to be made for the economy. There might be people trying to keep ancient traditions alive. I say just avoid that type and you will be fine. Maybe it is just that I like becoming something that I am not, I don't know. I do know that I love to dress up and paint my face so that I cannot be recognized. I think I am making up for the lack of playing dress up as a child. I just wasn't into it then. Anyway, I wanted to share with you my thoughts on the "spook"tacular holiday!
Happy Haunting


The MacMizzles said...

I love Autumn as well, my favorite thing about Autumn is going to drug stores and trying out all the loud Halloween toys and leaving them there. I also love dressing up, my favorite thing about Halloween and autumn is pumpkins, carving, seeds, pie, whatever you wanna make out of them, they are simply divine.

rabidrunner said...

Hahahah! Laugh out Loud over your "avoid those kind of people" comment (none of this LOL crap - I mean laughing out loud is BIG, IN YOUR FACE, BOISTEROUS. LOL is not.)

You know another great thing about Halloween? You'll be able to post a photo of yourself and still be unrecognizable.

You just be careful to leave your wart on the inside (not on your nose or some other heaven forsaking body part).

rabidrunner said...

Oh and thank you. The Secret paid off! I was getting rather impatient over you not posting anything. And then I decided to bring forth the powers of the Secret. I drew pictures of a Winder blog post and I envisioned that it would happen. It worked! (It worked on my blog too! I wanted an explaination to something and it happened!)

Winder said...

Rabid you must have gained powers from The Secret. I just couldn't keep myself from posting that night. It was like a force outside myself was taking over. :)