Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I Am Going to Snap

I believe I am in trouble. I am excited to finally bring my wart into the world, although I hope my teaching this year doesn't ruin all of the excitement. I don't know why it is so hard for the class I have this year to figure out that if they will line up without being so ANNOYING they would actually get to go to recess early. I don't think I am asking too much, in fact I am offering a reward. Instead we are always getting to recess a couple of minutes late so we can "practice". Don't let me give you the complete wrong impression. Sometimes they actually make it on time. I am not going to budge on this one so, we will see what happens. I may just snap and end up yelling for them to "Shut Their Traps". I am really good at that you know.


The MacMizzles said...

You are going to make a great parent...respect and discipline are so, so, so, important. Good for you, they need consequences.

rabidrunner said...

I think metaphorically you should bring some snap peas. Then when they misbehave, you can get in their face and snap them all! Right in front of their very eyes! See what their parents do about that one...

Principal, that Winder you have is awful. She snapped! Peas!

rabidrunner said...

Would you write something new already?

Biker Babe said...

That's a good suggestion rabid...or you could get rubberbands and put them on their wrists and just when you think you are going to snap you can just walk up to them and snap their rubberbands. I bet it would make you feel better. You may not keep your job, but you would feel better.

Seriously though, take it easy Winder.


Have you had a massage yet? perhaps that is what needs to happen, it feels extra good when you are pregnant.

Winder said...

no Diva I haven't had a massage I think I need to take care of that.