Monday, May 10, 2010


Note: The lable on this post is TMI. Don't read if you don't want to know!

This is how I feel today. I am finally having my visit from Aunt Flow. It has been 60 days and I have known for 30 that I wasn't pregnant. Thus the story of my infertile life. You might say how lucky you are to go so long without a visit. Ummm NO! I bloat for weeks and retain all kinds of water. This go around all of my bowel movements have been a lovely shade of green (could be unrelated). I just want to lie around and moan. Can't happen, I have a two year old and 7 loads of laundry waiting. Off I go, just needed to vent.


L said...

Sorry Winder. Every time I visit the OBGYN I ask him to remove the damn rebel organ....always causing some sort of coup in the body.

Hope the flow passes fast. Bloating sucks.

L said...
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L said...

Not sure why it posted twice....thus why I deleted one.