Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I seriously need to get back in shape. Yesterday I spent an hour teaching a teenage girl some track drills. No big deal, I have done these same drills for years. Well, tell that to my back. I went to pick The Menace up this morning and spent the next 15 min. on the floor freaking him out. I was hollering and moaning. I really wish I had a recording of the noises, they were fantastic couldn't recreate them if I tried. Thankfully Delmar was late leaving for work and was able to reduce the spasm. I felt like such a loser. Now that it isn't quite as sore I can reflect on the situation with a clear mind. I know I am an out of shape loser, but it was really funny.


Jessica said...

Well, at least you were taking the advice you gave me to exercise. Although, I can't imagine what a back spasm would feel like. Yuck.

I'm with you on getting back in shape. School ruined my body.

L said...

Muscle spasms in my calves and feet during laps are what kills me....the first time I thought I was going to drown it was so bad and my coach had to fish me out. Good job for getting back in the game Winder!