Friday, June 06, 2008

Lost Identity

From the title you may think that I have suffered identity theft. Well, I haven't had anything stolen I just sort of gave it away. I am now offically among the ranks of stay at home mothers. I have been longing for this for about 6 years. For the most part it is great. My baby is adorable and I have an endless list of chores I attempt to get done. You may ask me in a few years if I still think it is great and the answer may be different. As for now I am 99.9% happy.

So why the lost identity title? It all began on the last day of school (remember I was a teacher). I was so excited to be done and out of the school. Then my fellow educators gave me a wonderful tribute and gift. I cried through the whole thing. I then dried my eyes picked up the last of my stuff and headed for the car. Only to have two friends that I have worked with for 8 years help me load the car, and proceed to stand in the parking lot waving goodbye. I totally lost it. I was supposed to make a stop at rabid's house to pick up some plants. Of course I forgot. I phoned her to tell her I would get them later and the tears wouldn't stop. Through my blubbering I got through to her and managed to apologize and say "I didn't think it would be so hard!" I am no longer an official teacher.

The worst part is that I had to return my laptop. Now I am stuck sharing our home computer with the dear hubby. Which I wouldn't call sharing! I have to pitch a fit in order to even check my email, let alone add to the blog! My entries could become even more sparse (if that is possible). The only reason this entry is being posted is that I sent him to the store.

So, I am beginning a new phase in life and doing my best to deal with the change of identity. I am excited and a little worried about what the future holds.


rabidrunner said...

Okay... so that mere fact that you had to explain the reference to lost identity title as not being identity theft leaves me to to believe that you haven't yet lost all of your identity.

Those of us who actually have lost our entire identity knew that this post was all about being a stay at home mom.

Or am I just speaking for myself?

rabidrunner said...

That didn't make any sense! Oh well.

Winder said...

I find that it did make sense. The only problem is that you have become the only one to read my blog so there are no funny responses.

The MacMizzles said...

Dear Winder,

Let's face it, you shall become like the rest of us stay home rats. Deprived of sleep, constantly covered in kid stuff, and dying for adult attention, you will bridge upon insanity. Once the inital shock has presided you'll try to find a basement job. :)

OH! And people will refer to you as a homemaker.