Friday, May 16, 2008


Ok! So, if you follow the blog of rabidrunner you will know that I had a baby boy on St. Patrick's Day. He is really cute and a very good baby! I know every mother thinks her child is cute, but I think mine actually is (arrogant I know). The new adventure is very difficult and quite a learning experience. I think that my hubby and I are starting to figure it out. Being a parent is starting to be fun.

Then we go somewhere! Or now that I have returned to work he has to be taken to a relative during the day. I have begun to dread encounters with other people. Someone is always telling me what to do and how I should have done things differently. Some people act like I am a teen mother who can't figure anything out on my own. It is so frustrating! You would think that I had a horrible acting child. In all reality he is very good natured. But, what really pushes me over the top is when those babysitting him change the way I do things to their way and I have no control over the situation. AAAAHHHHHHH!!!1

Thankfully I will have completed my teaching contract in 7 school days + 2 hours and 15 min.!


rabidrunner said...

Holy smokes. I'd about given up on you. I apologize in advance for all of the times I try to tell you what to do. I also apologize for all of the times I've told you what to do.

By the way, it says in this book here and on line that you should breast feed him 'til he's 8.

The MacMizzles said...

Being a mother is hard. Not having room to make decisions and grow with your child make it even harder. I completely understand your feelings. I try to remind myself that those giving advice in such a way, or taking over...really don't remember what is was like to have their first baby. In my opinion there is nothing more humbling, and sacred.

Hugs to your family. :)

BTW-I have a pass to the zoo, wanna go? With your new bundle of pop corn? Maybe we could take Rabid and Yahoo, and Petulant. I am sure he would love that. BABY I MEAN:)

Winder said...

I would love a visit to the zoo! I just need to wait until June when I finish teaching!

The MacMizzles said...

okay, it's been long enough, now I am going to tell you what to do.

Now that your responsibilities are over...get out of the bloody house. Being cooped up is the surest way to go crazy with a baby. They don't fall it Cabin Fever for no reason. And, when their older, it's so hard to go anywhere.