Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nice Excuse

I got the best tardy excuse note the other day from a parent who sends her child to school very late frequently. It went something like this:

Dear Mrs. Winder-
Please excuse "student" for being tardy. I heard about a minor earthquake up in Salt Lake and wanted more info. before bringing him to school. Please send any work he missed home and we will complete it.

This note was written on a bank deposit slip.

The best part about this is (well, the whole thing is classic) that the earthquake was in Nevada. I knew everything I needed to know about what had happened before I left home at 7:50 a.m. The child arrived at school at 10:45 a.m. School starts at 9:00 a.m. The other fabulous thing is that I teach 2nd grade. I don't have loads of paper work to send home most of our morning is spent working together without worksheets.

Then, wouldn't you know it the child shows up the next day at 10:50 a.m. without an excuse note. Maybe even the parent knows you cannot top an excuse like the day before.

One reason why I have to just love my job.


rabidrunner said...

Dear Mrs Winder -

Please excuse student for coming to school in his pajamas. See today is a primary election and I was busy counting votes. Also can you pay for his school lunch? I forgot to work. And we'll be keeping the library book that we've had for 4 months but we won't be paying for it either... that's what our tax dollars pay for right? But that's not really right 'cause I don't pay tax dollars. That's what OTHER people's tax dollars pay for.


The MacMizzles said...

Dear Mrs Winder,

Please excuse my child for being late today. Wow! What a morning this household has had. That's why we are late. First, the dog pucked on the carpet, then the cat ran away. My sweet son set the house on fire and I couldn't find the car keys in the ashes. But never the less! He's here, and in one piece. Could you just put him in time out for me, in all the chaos we forgot to remind his that playing with matches is bad.

Have a great day!
Mrs. McMillan

rabidrunner said...
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