Friday, August 01, 2008

Free Time?

I have now fully come to realize the common misconception of the "Free Time" of a stay at home mother! Yes, I am home all day and no I don't get anything more done than I did when I was employed. Why you say? Because I am working! Raising a child is soooo time consuming. Especially when you are trying to get that child on a schedule. The best part is that we have now established the morning nap and I am starting to get 1 hour of time to work with!


rabidrunner said...

You obviously had enough "free time" to blog something. What on earth are you complaining about!?

I've recently learned that teenagers are a close second to newborns. That should brighten you day!

The MacMizzles said...

Woohoo!!! That's huge. What a relief you must feel. I know for myself it required tremendous patience to accomplish any kind of routine. Good job.

Winder said...

Well, Rabidsmartypants if you will note the blog length is extremly short! I just didn't want another comment about how long I have kept you waiting. (he,he,he) :)