Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pee Pee Store

My sister came to visit a few days ago. Let's call her "Trixy". While The Menace was showing Trixy some of his toys he paused, looked at her with a serious look, and the following conversation began:

Menace: Trixy you don't have a pee pee right?

Trixy: (trying to keep a straight face) No, your right. I'm a girl. I don't have a pee pee.

Menace: Well, you need to get one.

Trixy: Where do I get one?

Menace: (in a matter of fact tone) You get it from the pee pee box.

Trixy: Where do I find the pee pee box?

Menace: From the Pee Pee Store!

Trixy: Oh, well how would I put it on.

Menace: You just use scissors.

I sent them out to build a snowman.
Needless to say, I think I need to hide the scissors.


L said...

I feel like that is quite a bit of snow for this time of year....long winter ahead?

Menace is funny funny.

Jessica said...

Scissors? Ouch. Good plan to hide them.

(your snow picture made me jealous for a minute, and then I remembered that snow is cold.)